The Seychelles Revenue Commission (SRC) has today launched its new strategic plan outlining the commission’s strategic priorities and roadmap for the period 2023-2025.
The plan was handed over to the President of the Republic of Seychelles, Mr. Wavel Ramkalawan, Vice President Mr. Ahmed Affif and the Minister of Finance, National Planning and Trade, Mr. Naadir Hassan, by the SRC’s Board Chairman, Mr. Chrystold Chetty during a ceremony hosted at the Labriz Gastrolounge in Bel Ombre.
The strategic plan prepared using the bottom up approach features the aspirations of all SRC staff; their reviews of and feedback on past performance as well as suggestions for future improvement. It also reflects the broad lines of the National Development Strategy 2023 – 2025 and the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade. The plan also entails the new vision, mission, values and motto aligned with SRC’s new direction to foster trustful and engaging relationships with all its stakeholders.
Held in the presence of government dignitaries, SRC’s management, staff members and partners, the event which proceeded over one hour also saw SRC introduce its new online registration platform called ‘Seychelles Tax Portal’ in addition to unveiling its brand new logo and improved website.
The Seychelles Tax Portal already active via is accessible to taxpayer’s registering their business activities with the Commission. For ease of doing business, following the successful submission of all necessary documents on the portal, taxpayers will now be able to obtain their tax identification number within 24 hours online. For any taxpayers requiring additional information about the various taxes administered by SRC and their applications, the revamped user-friendly website fully responsive to various multimedia capabilities including mobile phones, tablets and others is now available through
Moving forward into 2023 with a refreshed new look, the modern, contemporary new logo of the Commission designed by Ms. Velma Cafrine, the winner of the logo competition held in June this year, encompasses the role of the two main areas of the Commission (Tax and Customs Division) in a creative ribbon style sketch showcasing the acronym of S.R.C in colors reflective of the Seychelles national flag.
Ms. Verna Lesperance, the winner of SRC’s building name competition was also awarded at the event for giving the name ‘Maison Manglier’ to the new SRC Building to be constructed adjacent to the International Conference Centre of Seychelles (ICCS) at Bois de Rose Avenue. The name, chosen based on the surrounding environment where the building will be located, will also be embedded in SRC’s corporate social responsibility initiatives as part of the Commission’s effort in raising awareness towards sustainable development.
Speaking about the accomplishment of the Commission, SRC’s Commissioner General, Mrs. Veronique Herminie said: “As we celebrate the 13th anniversary of the creation of the Seychelles Revenue Commission, I think that it is rather fitting that SRC embarks on this innovative journey to transform itself and the public perception of us as a Revenue Administration.
“This with the ultimate aim of building a more engaging and trustful relationships with taxpayers to foster an improved culture of voluntary compliance. The new ways of interacting with SRC (network connectivity permitting) have taken into consideration the needs and concerns of taxpayers and our stakeholders; and should therefore facilitate the efficiency with which we deliver our services for optimum revenue collection. Engaging all the staff in drafting the new Strategic Plan for 2023-2025 would guarantee success in our Performance Management process and I take this opportunity to thank the entire SRC team for their devotion towards the development and success of the organization.”
The event ended with a cake cutting ceremony by some of SRC’s youngest and long serving staff members marking the 13th anniversary celebration of the Commission.
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